trading death
trading death
what is

Micromort is a new and innovative currency, whose value is based on human deaths depending on the country in which they take place.

Today the value of death is perceived differently depending on the place where it occurs and Micromort aims to exploit this factor to make money on the dead thus defining an economic value of death for each nation

how it works

For this currency has been created Hades 2.0, a special algorithm, which combines the GDP per capita of each country, the number of deaths in relation to the total population of that country. What is this simple rule?

The more
the deaths, the lower the price.

why is born

Micromort aims to make us reflect on the reality in which we live: it is not true that death is the same for everyone. Inevitably it has a social value. And that value, unfortunately, is linked to the place the nation to which it belongs occupies in the world.

Do you live in the West? You're lucky, your death will be worth a few tens of euros.
Do you live in Lesotho? Well, you can hope that the value will rise to one euro one day.
Yet, regardless of one's origins, a human life is still a life. And a death is the end of that life. Why then do we place a different value on it? And what is this value?

Find out at the Lost Graduation Show during Supersalone. We are waiting for you!

in the future

Micromort was born in January 2020, just before a worldwide pandemic began.
Although it is already a year and a half old, it is still relevant and always thought-provoking. The Covid-19 pandemic was so interesting that it was analysed, both on this website and in the installation The Stock Exchange Experience.

Even now, in 2021, as the pandemic continues and keeps killing, there is another major global and humanitarian crisis: the Afghan one. Here too, Micromort aims to provoke consciences and make viewers reflect on why the 13 dead American soldiers are more important than the 170 dead Afghan civilians.

this slowpoke moves
01 what is

Micromort is a new and innovative currency, whose value is based on human deaths depending on the country in which they take place.

Today the value of death is perceived differently depending on the place where it occurs and Micromort aims to exploit this factor to make money on the dead thus defining an economic value of death for each nation

02 how it works

For this currency has been created Hades 2.0, a special algorithm, which combines the GDP per capita of each country, the number of deaths in relation to the total population of that country. What is this simple rule?

*The more the deaths, the lower the price.

03 why is born

Micromort aims to make us reflect on the reality in which we live: it is not true that death is the same for everyone. Inevitably it has a social value. And that value, unfortunately, is linked to the place the nation to which it belongs occupies in the world.

Do you live in the West? You're lucky, your death will be worth a few tens of euros.
Do you live in Lesotho? Well, you can hope that the value will rise to one euro one day.
Yet, regardless of one's origins, a human life is still a life. And a death is the end of that life. Why then do we place a different value on it? And what is this value?

Find out at the Lost Graduation Show during Supersalone. We are waiting for you!

04 in the future

Micromort was born in January 2020, just before a worldwide pandemic began.
Although it is already a year and a half old, it is still relevant and always thought-provoking. The Covid-19 pandemic was so interesting that it was analysed, both on this website and in the installation The Stock Exchange Experience.

Even now, in 2021, as the pandemic continues and keeps killing, there is another major global and humanitarian crisis: the Afghan one. Here too, Micromort aims to provoke consciences and make viewers reflect on why the 13 dead American soldiers are more important than the 170 dead Afghan civilians.

this slowpoke moves